
Lagutenko Dilorom Muzafarovna

Senior Rifle Coach

Date of birth January 23, 1969





Nabiev Oleg Ganievich

Senior Pistol Coach

Date of birth October 19, 1949



Abdukarimov Marat Egamberdievich

Senior coach in Khujand

Date of birth March 23, 1962



Federation activities

Federation activities

The Federation is actively working in the following areas:

Development and popularization of bench and bullet shooting in the Republic of Tajikistan.

Creation of a technical base, practical and methodological assistance in the creation of shooting clubs and the construction of shooting sites in the Republic of Tajikistan.

Propaganda and development of shooting sports among children and youth, attracting sponsors to support children's and junior sports.

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History of championships

On Wednesday, November 30, 2022, the General ...
Tajik athlete Bezhan Faizulloev won the silver ...
The Federation held the "Championship of the ...